Creative Iceland recently got an award from the Creative Tourism Network® for Best Creative Experience 2015. Creative tourism is based on travelers actively partaking in artistic and creative activities together with locals. Responsibility and sustainability defines this emerging form of tourism that aims for the cooperation of locals and travelers visiting the country.
Created by the Creative Tourism Network®, the Creative Tourism Awards aim to reward companies, projects and destinations worldwide that foster this new generation of tourism, characterized by the active participation of the tourists in artistic and creative activities.
The Creative Tourism Network® aims to reward companies, projects and destinations worldwide that foster this new generation of tourism. Internationally recognized for its action in favor of a more innovative and sustainable tourism, the Creative Tourism Network® works with a panel of prestigious experts headed by Professor Greg Richards, co-inventor of the creative tourism concept, in order to determine and guarantee standards of the awards.
An international jury of the Creative Tourism Awards selected six, among more than hundreds of initiatives and destinations from thirty countries, that highlight for their commitment to this emerging form of tourism. They particularly appreciated the authenticity and creativity of the proposals, as well as the promoters’ interest in involving the locals and travelers in the production of the experiences.
“The Jury of the Creative Tourism Awards particularly appreciated Creative Iceland’s deep knowledge of the creative tourism’s assets and respect of its best practices from the co-creation of authentic experiences with the locals, to their commercialization.
In addition to the originality and diversity of the activities proposed through the platform, the Jury underlined the project’s balance in terms of innovation, responsibility and economical sustainability specially involving small businesses.”
Creative Iceland wants to thank all it’s Creative Partners that have participated in making a platform for creative tourism in Iceland possible by believing in creative thinking and working. This award is dedicated to them. Creative Iceland also wants to thank everyone at Creative Tourism Network® for their diligence in working towards establishing creative tourism in the tourist industry as well as making Iceland as one of the most original destinations worldwide.
The travel industry in Iceland has grown exponentially for the last years. Creativity has always been a big part of the identity of Icelanders and it is the will of Nicolas Barreiro, the founder of Creative Iceland to offer our enthusiastic guests a new perspective on activities and workshops whilst creating memorable experiences.
Prizes for the most creative companies and tourist destinations. Based on the criteria of quality, originality, innovation and sustainability, the prizes were awarded to:
Best Strategy for Creative Tourism Development 2015: Les Iles de la Madeleine (Canada)
Best Creative Destination 2015: Saint-Jean-Port-Joli (Canada)
Best Creative Experience 2015 (ex-aequo): Creative Iceland (Iceland)
Best Creative Experience 2015(ex-aequo): Responsible Photography Holidays (UK)
Best Creative Travel Agency 2015 (ex-aequo): Studiainitalia (Italy)
Best Creative Travel Agency 2015 (ex-aequo): (Italy)